For each location, we have designated a single individual to whom we will send Open Action Items related to their location(s). This is referred to as your Open Item Contact.
Open Item Contacts
Communication Frequency
This individual is designated based on our past communication experience with your accounts. If you have been the primary responder to Open Items or questions in the past, you may have been chosen as the Open Item Contact.
Ideally, Open Item contacts will receive notifications more-so in the beginning of the month, aside from connections that may break after month close. Open Item Contacts will also receive a reminder email twice a month if they still have pending items that have not been resolved.
Ideally, Open Item contacts will receive notifications more-so in the beginning of the month, aside from connections that may break after month close. Open Item Contacts will also receive a reminder email twice a month if they still have pending items that have not been resolved.
This individual will see both Edge notifications within the portal and receive emails with Open Items that need to be resolved. The Open Items in Edge will be show in the Action Center, excluding Transactions to Code.
Multiple Open Item Contacts
We can update the Open Item Contact if you wish to change this, but we cannot manage a single view of items unless we designate a single contact. This means only one email address can be associated with receiving open items.
If there are multiple contacts associated with one location, only the Open Item Contact will be able to view the Action Center items in Edge.
If there are multiple contacts associated with one location, only the Open Item Contact will be able to view the Action Center items in Edge.
Changing the Open Item Contact
We can change the Open Item Contact by request of the owner. This request can be sent to Ceterus Support. To update, we will need:
- First and Last Name of the new Open Item contact
- Email Address
- Verification from the Previous Open Item Contact Agreeing to the Change
Should you choose to change the Open Item Contact, ensure the contact's email address matches the user email address they use to log into Edge
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