For each account, we have designated a single individual to whom we will communicate 1099 information related to their location(s). This is referred to as your 1099 Primary Contact.
1099 Primary Contacts
1099 Primary Contacts should be aware of the below expectations.
Communication Frequency
This individual is designated based on our past communication experience with your 1099 records. If you have been the primary responder to 1099 communication, vendors, or questions in the past, you may have been chosen as the 1099 Primary Contact.
Ideally, 1099 Primary contacts will receive communication about 1099s during the beginning of Q4 through the completion of 1099 filings.
Ideally, 1099 Primary contacts will receive communication about 1099s during the beginning of Q4 through the completion of 1099 filings.
Edge Access
This individual will see critical 1099 data in Edge's 1099 Manager tool. The 1099 Primary Contact is responsible for reviewing legal business entity and vendor information as well as any updates to the lists within this tool. The 1099 Manager in Edge will populate in the Action Center.
Multiple 1099 Primary Contacts
We can update the 1099 Primary Contact if you wish to change this, but we cannot manage a single view of items unless we designate a single contact. This means only one email address can be associated with having access to the 1099 Manager in Edge, and therefore a list of potential eligible vendors and legal business information.
If there are multiple contacts associated with one location, only the 1099 Primary Contact will be able to view the Legal Business Entity and Vendor data in Edge.
If there are multiple contacts associated with one location, only the 1099 Primary Contact will be able to view the Legal Business Entity and Vendor data in Edge.
Changing the 1099 Primary Contact
We can change the 1099 Primary Contact by request of the original 1099 Primary Contact. This request can be sent to Ceterus Support. To update, we will need:
- First and Last Name of the new 1099 Primary contact
- Email Address
- Verification from the Previous 1099 Primary Contact Agreeing to the Change
Should you choose to change the 1099 Primary Contact, ensure the contact's email address matches the user email address they use to log into Edge
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