Brink Set Up Instructions

Creating a new user in Brink

  1. Using the details below, please create an employee user with the ability to view the necessary reports:

    1. Name: Ceterus Bookkeeping

    2. Email:

    3. Number: 269-359-7621

    4. Temporary Password: [your choice]

  2. If you have more than one location, please ensure access is granted to all applicable locations.

  3. Then, log into your Edge account to provide us with our login details using the secure credential request in your Action Center.

Granting Access to Locations That Are Not Online Yet

  1. If one or more of your locations are still not online in Brink, you will need to wait until they are to add visibility to the user you created for us.

  2. Once the locations are online, if you run into any issues with adding visibility, please reach out to Brink Support. In your account, that is under Help > Contact Support. Then click Email Support (

  3. Once they confirm access is granted, please return to your Edge account to send a message to let us know.

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