ABC Financial Setup Instructions

Note: If an existing third party user for Ceterus was previously made and you only need to give us visibility to new locations you are onboarding, skip to the next section.


Creating a new ABC Financial User

  1. Log in to ABC Financial. Choose any club from the dropdown and click Submit.
  2. When that page loads, under the Club Maintenance menu on the left, click Club Login Management
  3. Click Add and input the following:
  1. Insert information about yourself when creating this username. For example, if your last name is Johnson the username could be JohnsonCeterus. If your business name is Smith Enterprises the username could be SmithEntCeterus.
  2. Select all club(s) Ceterus should access 
  3. Select Always Access All Reports
  4. Click Submit
  5. Return to Edge to provide the username, password, and the secret question and answer you created.

Adding Locations to an existing ABC Financial User

  1. Log in to ABC FinancialChoose any club from the dropdown and click Submit.
  2. When that page loads, under the Club Maintenance menu on the left, click Club Login Management
  3. From the list of user IDs, select the one you created for us. Then click Update.
  4. Under the Available Club section, check the box next to any remaining new locations we need access to.
  5. Then click submit. 
  6. Return to Edge to let us know you have added the remaining location(s) to our user.
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