Meevo Setup Instructions

  1. Log in to Meevo 
  2. In the Convo bar, type emp and press Enter to be taken to the Employee Management Area 
  3. Click the Add New button
    • Uncheck the Is Employee box
    • Uncheck the Enable conflict messaging in the Appointment Book box
    • Username: ceterus####   (replace #### with your 4-digit location number)
    • Email Address: (replace #### with your 4-digit location number) 
    • Set Password: Ceterus123!
  1. Click Save at the bottom right to formally add the user
  2. Click Security on the left-hand navigation bar
  3. Click Edit
  4. In the Security Role box, choose the Super Manager role to ensure the user has access to all Meevo Reports
  5. Click Save
  6. Return to Edge to provide the username and password you created.
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