Square Set Up Instructions

For each location, please add Ceterus as a team member. Once both set of steps are completed, return to Edge to provide us with the login details you created for us.

Add a Team Member

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard and click Staff > Team > Team members.

  2. Click + Team member. You can also create a team member in the Square Point of Sale app by tapping Team.

  3. Fill out the Profile.

    1. Name: Ceterus Accounting

    2. Email: access+LASTNAMEsq@ceterus.com

      1. The email should be unique to your last name, so that if your last name is Smith, the email should be access+Smithsq@ceterus.com

  4. Click Next.

Add a Full Access Team Member

To create a new full access team member:

  1. Visit Staff > Team in your online Square Dashboard.

  2. Select the Ceterus Teammember.

  3. Under Permissions, click Edit. If you're adding permissions for a new team member, select or Enable Permissions.

  4. Select Team Permissions or create a new permission set. Note: If you're creating a new permission set, you'll need to add a name for the permission set.

  5. Enable Full Access.

  6. Create or generate a passcode and enter the email address for the team member, then select Save.


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