Clover Set Up Instructions

Note: If the DBA in your Clover account is something generic or vague (Ex: Houston Spa or Atlanta Yoga), we highly recommend updating it to match your legal business name so we can easily identify your entity in our account. This can be updated in your Profile settings.

Please add Ceterus as an employee user on your Clover account using the following details:

  1. Log into your Clover account

  2. From your Dashboard, click Account & Setup. Then Under the “Employees” section, click Employees.

clover account set up page.PNG

  1. From this page, click Add Employee

clover step 2.PNG

  1. Fill in the fields below as follows:

    1. Name: Ceterus Bookkeeping

    2. Email:

    3. Role: Manager

clover step 3.PNG
  1. Once completed, please reply to the original message to let us know so we can confirm visibility in our Clover account.

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