DoorDash Set Up Instructions

We will need DoorDash Merchant Portal reports and DoorDash Invoice Portal (High Radius) access (if you use this platform) in order to get access to revenue details, along with details for tips and charges related to using third third party platform. Below are the steps on to provide what we need for both. 

DoorDash Merchant Portal Invoice Set Up (Store Managers Only)

Please set up the Financials Reports to be sent to you monthly, which you will then download and send to

  1. Login to DoorDash

    1. If all locations in your account belong to you, stay on the general home page versus going to an individual store page. This will allow you to create a report that includes all stores.

    2. If there are locations on your account that do not belong to you, you will have to set up recurring monthly reports for each applicable location separately.

  2. Go to Reports


  1. Click Create Report


  1. Under Channel, choose Marketplace (it should default to this option)

  1. Under “Choose report type”, choose Financials.

  1. Under “Choose the type of financial data”, check all boxes (Transactions Breakdown, Error charges/adjustments, and Payouts)


  1. Under “Customize your report”, choose “Set up recurring schedule”. Under Choose a schedule, choose “Monthly”.

  1. Scroll up until you see the Summary section on the right. Then click schedule report.

  1. Reports are emailed by the 5th of the month each month. When you being receiving the monthly emails, please forward them to If we requested prior months reports from you, please see the next section below.

DoorDash Merchant Portal Prior Reports:

If we are completing clean up work for you OR if you set up your recurring reports after the month(s) we need passed, we will need the applicable previous months' reports (one report per month).

Please use the following steps to create, download, and send us the missing prior month(s) Doordash reports (one report per month):

  1. Follow steps 1 - 4 above.

  2. When you get to “Customize your report”, choose One-Time Report

  3. For the “Date Range” - select the dates for the missing month (one month per report)

  4. For “Choose locations” - Select all applicable store(s)

  5. Request your report: you’ll receive an email confirming it’s in progress and a second one letting you know when it is ready to download.

  6. If more than one month is required, repeat the steps as needed until all months missing months are downloaded.

DoorDash Invoice Portal (High Radius)

Note: If you do not utilize this portal, please let your Activation Coordinator know.

  1. Log into your account at the DoorDash Invoice portal here.

  2. From your dashboard, click Manage Contacts. Then Add Contact.

  1. Fill in the below fields with the following information, then click Submit:

  • Recipient Role: Click the blue icon to the right, choose Primary Contact (Billing), then click Save

  1. If you have more than one location, repeat steps 2-3 using the exact same information until there is one user per location.

  2. Select one user and click “Invite Contact” at the top. Note: This must be done one user at a time. Mass selecting users will grey out the invite option (see screenshots below).

  1. Choose “Customer View Only” Security Role and click Submit. Repeat steps 5-6 until all invitations are sent.

  1. Let us know when the invitations have been sent so they can complete the account set up. You’re done!

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