Reset My Password

If you're logged into the Ceterus app and want to reset your password to something else, follow the below steps.

    1. In the top right corner, select the settings button and then select User Settings
    2. Once in User Settings, scroll to Change Password
    3. Enter your current password in the Current Password field. Then fill in your new password in the New Password field. You'll need to retype this to ensure it is correct
    4. Once you've inputted all fields, hit Save

Forgot My Password

If you are unable to log in because you cannot remember your password, follow these steps.

    1. Visit the Ceterus app login page
    2. At bottom of login screen select ‘Need Help Signing In?’
    3. A screen will pop up where you can Reset your Password or Contact Support. The username will be the primary email address associated with your Ceterus communication
    4. A recover password email will be sent to your email address and the password can be updated by following the instructions in that email
    5. Once the password has been updated, login. We recommend setting up MFA options to keep your account secure.

More Questions? Email Ceterus Support

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