Mississippi Sales Tax Setup Instructions

The instructions below are to provide Ceterus with access to your Mississippi sales tax account:

  1. Login to Mississippi Department of Revenue
  2. Click on Manage My Profile
  3. Select More... 
  4. Under My Users, select Manage Secondary Logons
  5. On the right side of the page, click Add (beside the filter box)
  6. Enter the following information:
    1. Logon: CeterusLASTNAME#### where #### is the franchise location number
    2. Example: CeterusSMITH1234
    3. Name: Ceterus Bookkeeping
    4. Email: access+LASTNAME####@ceterus.com where #### is the franchise location number
    5. Examples:access+Smith1234@ceterus.com
    6. Type of Access: Profile Manager
  7. Return to Edge to provide the username you created 
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