Understanding Benchmarks

Benchmarks are unique to the Ceterus platform and offer comparisons of your location(s) to multiple variables in an easy to digest view of month over month performance. We define these benchmarks as the "secret weapon" to understanding how to run your business more strategically within your franchise.

Where Do I Find the Benchmarks Page?

  1. Log into the Ceterus app
  2. Click on Performance in the left hand navigation menu
  3. Select Benchmarks

The Benchmarks Page gives you the ability to view two different views: Summary or Detail View

Summary View Detail View
The Summary View includes graphs with details


Benchmarks for the previous month will not display accurate data until the 15th of the following month

Benchmarks Breakdown

Benchmark Description
Revenue The total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations
Operating Margin A measure of profitability, it indicates how much of each dollar of revenue is left over after both cost of goods sold and operating expenses are considered
Facility Cost of the facility associated to the location (rent, property taxes, facility expenses)
Net Operating Income This is the gross profit of the location, minus the total operating expenses
Personnel Employee/labor expenses (salaries, recruiting, employer taxes, payroll processing, training)
Marketing All expenses related to marketing (advertising, promotions)
General and Administrative General and operating expenses (dues/subscriptions, office supplies, franchise fees, uniforms)
Cost of Goods/Services The direct costs of producing the goods/services. This amount includes the cost of the materials and labor directly used to create the good


Comparison Description
All All locations with Ceterus and within the same concept
Same Age All locations with Ceterus and are approximately the same age
Same State All locations with Ceterus and are in the same state
Your Group If multi-unit owner, this compares to your other locations
Prior Year Compares to prior year numbers *if available


Numbers are pulled straight from the last month closed P&L. The P&L numbers come from the POS and Bank Connections. Sales numbers come from the primary operating accounts

Navigating the Summary and Detail Views

Summary View

  1. Select the Date and Location you want to review
  2. Hover over each graph to view details


At this time, there is not an option to download the Benchmark Graphs in Summary View. You can export the Detail View to provide to your team-members

Detail View

  1. Select the Date and Location you want to review
  2. Select a Filter to narrow down your view
  3. The details of your report will display the columns broken down by Account, Your Business, % of Revenue for your Business and the selected filter and the % Difference
  4. Use the drilldown feature to select the dollar amount in the Your Business column and see the transactions associated with that account
  5. Export the Detail view and the drilldowns by selecting the blue download button in the top left corner

More Questions? Email Ceterus Support

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