Understanding Cash Forecasting

The Cash Forecasting feature is designed to help customers gauge their financials based on historical trends on your Profit and Loss statement.

Cash Forecasting: A Definition

Cash Forecasting estimates projected cash flow based on your brand, historical financial performance, and point of sale reports. Actual results will vary based on factors such as increased spending, unexpected one-time inflow/outflow, or higher than normal membership cancellation rates.

What is the Method to Building My Forecast?

Ceterus takes three key figures into account while building your forecast:

  • Projected Inflow
  • Projected Outflow
  • Today's Bank Balance


Only months with closed books will be taken into account. If you've come across an Open Month that you weren't aware of, please contact Ceterus Support.

The result ends up showing your projected balance.

         Today's Balance
        Projected Inflow
-     Projected Outflow
  Projected Balance



The Cash Forecasting feature requires one full closed period of financials for data to populate. If you are a new Ceterus customer, you may not have full access to this feature until the close of your first month's financials.

Where to Find the Cash Forecasting Page in Edge


    1. Log into the Ceterus app
    2. Click on the Other Reports item in the left hand navigation menu
    3. Choose to view the projected cash flow under the Summary or Detail View
      • Summary View: Includes the summary of all locations
      • Detail View: Displays details of each projection with locations separated
    4. Select a projected timeline. This can either be a period of 7 or 30 days starting with today. You can modify your projection by selecting the Projection tab and modifying to reflect your preferred date range.

Summary View

The Summary view will break down the data into a snapshot between all locations you own. The columns are broken out as follows:

  • Last Date of the Bank Balance
  • Bank Balance
  • Projected Inflow
  • Projected Outflow
  • Projected Balance
  • Action to Edit

 Action to Edit

The Action to Edit is an important feature within this view, as this allows the user to update the beginning bank balance for the calculations. This feature is key to understand if you know there is a large amount of money being deposited or withdrawn from your bank account but hasn’t yet come through.

To adjust your beginning balance, simply click the "Edit" button on the far right of the row you want to alter. Once complete, hit "Save" and your forecast will adjust accordingly

Detail View

The Detail View will break down the data in a detailed form that will include the accounts the data is coming from. The Detail View will show one location at a time so you will need to select the projection time and location.

The Detail View breaks out the sections as follows:

Projected Inflow Projected Outflow Cash Forecast Summary
Projected Inflow is data that comes from your average daily revenue from the same month in the prior year, multiplied by the difference in the last closed month revenue vs the same month in the last year. If data from the prior year doesn’t exist, we go back as far as possible to provide you with the best forecast we can possibly share.
The Cash Forecast Summary is the totals of the Bank Balance, Inflow, Outflow and the total Projected Balance after 7 or 30 days


Accounts data may vary for different concepts

Exporting Cash Forecasting Data

You can download the Detail View’s data by selecting the projection time period and location then selecting the blue download button. This will download the data to your computer in an Excel format.

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